Just an update post. Nothing much..
OMG!!! my blog are so dusty and rust...ha3
so sorry bout that ya..
im too buzy for blogging....hahahahahahaha...
sorry...im too happy rite now
its bcoz some news that ive got...kih3
seriously im very...very...very...very..very..very happy...hahaha..
sorry bout that..
okay okay il tell you the reason of why ive become like dis,
have all of u heard bout the national service????(Khidmat negare la)
ive been chosen by government to go to dis programme..
i still remember my friend says im the luckiest guy in the world coz got a lifetime chance to go to da NS(national service,not negeri sembilan)
then i said to them :"*************************************************"..(korang pkiaq sndirila pa aq habaq kt kengkawan aq)
just who in the world would be so happy when they got dis national service??????
so just now i check my status in the natianal services web...
and u know what it says????its says that i will go to the NS from sept to december....ha3
and thats mean i have to say goodbye to the national service programme bcoz at that time,surely i have further my study to university or college,the goverment have no reason to forced or sue me.....hahahaha
adioz NS...
thats all ....ha3
k daa....